Out at Happy Hour with two co-workers and a long-time friend this past week, I was challenged to write a blog on a quote that is really just one word: "Outstanding."
The reason why? Apparently, I say it All The Time. This actually took me aback. I had no idea I did. Folks have told me I say other silly things often. I say "wicked" a lot ("what the hell- are you from *Boston?!*) or "cool beans." But...Outstanding? I looked around the table and the nods told me yes. Huh. I had no idea.
So, being me (and a dirty martini in), I accepted the challenge without the slightest idea how I would do it. A blog on Outstanding would be a it! And my first thought after: you mean, as opposed to Standing Out?
And then it formed.
Outstanding, indeed. It really does mean "standing out." And the linguist in me now wants to research that. When did that happen? When did that swap in words happen (surely not in the English language?) that the meaning of two words - standing out - become one, only swapped? But, as usual, I digress and will move on.
I don't know when I picked up on that word or how often I use it. ("Um, a LOT, Stacy.") But, upon reflection now, I think it must be fairly recent and I think it must be how I feel about life right now, especially if I've been using it pretty subconsciously without even realizing it.
So what's outstanding about life? Oh, I can name the obvious: I love my home. I love my housemates. I even love my job (rare these days, I know!). My family is killer. My friends are amazing. I'm currently sitting in the sun, nursing a drink, listening to iTunes on an iPod I was told should have died years ago (by a site called iPod Death Clock that, unfortunately, no longer works). Sure, life is outstanding (and, yes, I purposely left out the love life)... but am I Standing Out?
I'd have to say: No. And I haven't quite figured out if that's a good thing or not. I'm leaning toward yes. These days, I play my cards close to my (small but proportionate) chest. Oh, you know how I'll feel about things if you ask me. But if you don't? I've turned into that Surveying Leo.
I'm a Leo through and through. Whatever you believe in that, whether you give it credence or not, I find it fun. And I do kind of believe. As a Christian, I do. And it does coincide perfectly: God did create the heavens, did He not? But, again, a story for another day. I am a Leo in my sun, my moon and my Venus (Aquarius rising for folks who know what that means). And there are two types of Leos: the Center of Attention (Standing Out?) and the surveyors.
I've become the latter recently without even realizing.
Without even realizing it, at some point I decided not to be Standing Out anymore and instead, just let my life be Outstanding.
And it made me realize. Outstanding cannot be created. Standing Out can. That's active. You can Stand Out in an active way. You can only let life BE OUTSTANDING in a passive way. And, for once? I love the passive way.
Pause. Back off. And just let your life be Outstanding, my friends.