Ha! Leave it to my little brother to hold me accountable. He’s very rarely online, very never on Facebook and we don’t email or talk too often. Quality, not quantity with us. And, oh, he’s got me twice this week. Once in email and once on the phone just today:
"When are you going to blog again? I keep looking…."
Gak! And he’s right! It’s July for pete’s sake, which means my last blog was months ago already. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Once I stop, I feel like I have Absolutely Nothing to write about and it’s so hard to get started again. Which is what I’m facing right now, looking at this blank paper so to speak, wondering what on earth to say. So we’ll just say, I guess. Write and get something out so I can get the juices a-flowin’ for next time.
It’s been 14 months since I finally moved my sorry ass back into the city and I could not love it more. Sometimes when I’m just sitting on the couch watching TV, I’ll look up around my dinky little apartment with its crazy mismatched wall art and ancient furniture and giggle. Yes, out loud, I giggle. That this is mine (albeit rented) ; this space is mine, no matter the silly state of it. And sometimes I even kick my feet up and down on the ottoman in glee, then go back to watching TV, usually having to rewind (do you rewind a DVR? What do you do with it?) because I lost that entire minute to euphoria.
I love
Last fall I joined a free dating site to meet some folks. I wanted to meet someone, sure. But at the time too I thought it’d be something fun to blog about (I've since deleted that blog). But ohhh did I come up with some doozies then! Like the guy who told his kids all about me before he even met me himself. Or the uber religious one who took issues with me being a non-denominational Christian instead of an “actual faith.” Kid you not. You can’t make this shit up. Soon after that, I actually dated a couple folks for a little bit and recently have been spending social time with a fella I really enjoy, so I really completely forgot about the dating site most of the time. I never deactivated my account because I didn’t care enough to, frankly. I’d get email messages indicating when I’d get a private message and sometimes I’d glance over them, most times not. Never responded to any of them. They were mostly from folks who were nothing like what I said I was looking for in my profile and wrote things like: “Hello. How R you?” and stuff like that. Yeah, no. (What part about being a grammar nerd in my profile did you not understand? Oh! You didn't even bother to read it. Fair enough.)
But last week I got a message from an interesting enough fellow. He looked nice, seemed put together and used grammar correctly. So I decided what the hell. I wrote back and it was a nice exchange. He asked for my number but I suggested we just meet for coffee instead. I have found there is nothing worse than a huge build up of texting or talking and wondering if there’s any chemistry and then finding out after all that there’s not. Meet over coffee for an hour; see if there’s anything worth pursuing, right? And then move it to the phone from there.
So he happily agrees to coffee. It was to be this week (er, am I ruining the ending with the tense here?), sometime in the afternoon where I can take a break from work and just meet up somewhere. I said any day would be fine, just let me know. He asked about meeting for a beer after work instead, but I thanked him and told him my week was too crazy to meet after work. In reality, it was for two other reasons: I’m on a diet and didn’t want to make it a meal/alcohol thing, but more importantly, I also wanted an “end time” to this meeting: an excuse for either of us to get out of it after a brief meeting. If we liked each other, we could always meet again, right?
Yeah. Nearly every day since then, he’s asked if I wanted to go for a beer. Even today, on a Sunday (not sure why that's important, come to think of it but) he asked me if I wanted to go grab some beers this afternoon. *Sigh* No. No, I do not. I WANT TO GO FOR COFFEE. During the work week. For an afternoon break! Like I thought we PLANNED. Only now? I don’t want to anymore. And this may seem really obnoxious of me, to want to cut it off this quickly, but I’m bugged by it. What was wrong with the original plan? I don't understand. And how much beer do you drink anyway? (haha kidding, that's not a problem) When I politely declined today, I finally actually asked: "does coffee not work for you anymore?" And his response was: “yes, this week works.”
Aaaand that’s it. Nothing more, no plans on what day or where or whatever. I’m really sorry if it makes me old fashioned or whatnot, but I ain’t making all the plans on a first meeting. I suggested the idea in the first place (which, quite frankly, should have come from him, but okay....) and it was seriously a pitch right over the plate for anyone who might be slightly insecure or nervous too. Easy to answer, “great! I know a couple really great coffee places where we could meet. Is Wednesday good for you?” Or whatever. Not four offers to get a beer somewhere instead.
You know, I know it's worked for many o' folk, but I'm going to guess right now that I don't have much patience for a dating website. Deactivate time!
Just as I was starting to feel a bit hasty....
Message: Want to grab a drink after work today?
Seriously. You can't make this shit up.