It's been far too long since I've blogged. So I'll start back simply with the alphabet game.
Things That Make Me Happy... Alphabet Style
(...and by stream of consciousness even)
A- Albecore Tuna: it's dolphin safe!
B- Bacon. Duh.
C- Chelsey Lately nightly recordings. She totally makes me laugh at 5am when I get up.
D- Dancing on bars. Not quite Coyote Ugly style, but better: the way the girls and I did in college.
E- Eggs. Every which way but poached. Yes, even raw in a beer. Or pickled in a UWSP bar.
F- Fat Fridays! The day you can eat anything (even deep fried Kool-Aid) without guilt.
G- Ghosts. Love me my ghost tours. Someday I hope to actually see one, gaddammit!
H- Harley, the woman. Though the bike ain't bad either.
I- Ice cream. Chocolate. Of course.
J- Jammie pants. The first thing I put on after a long day at work.
K- "Killer Queen" by Queen. You give me a quarter at the bar, this is comin' on the Jukebox.
L- Lorita Zorrita Hammen. It's a blessing to find my sorority sisters; an honor to love my natural one.
M- Momma. No one else in the world like her.
L- Lorita Zorrita Hammen. It's a blessing to find my sorority sisters; an honor to love my natural one.
M- Momma. No one else in the world like her.
N- Novels. There is nothing better than being smack in the middle of one.
O- Oy! (could this be anything else?)
P- Poking. Not on Facebook, but the ability to poke at someone to bring down walls.
Q- Quincy, M.E. Yup, random I know. But I remember watching it with my Dad.
R- Road trips with friends
S- Sisters. Natural. Sorority. Ones you're blessed with beyond belief (yes, that's you, Hilary.)
T- Tampa, Florida. Because I have never met someone from there who is not amazing.
U- U.S.A. Not a day goes by that I don't realize how blessed I am to live here.
V- Vagina! Crude? Perhaps. But I so love being a woman.
W- Whiskeybelles: 4 of the most talented women I've ever met (yes, there are 4 now).
X- "xoxo" - because it means something when you actually type it.
Y- You. Because you're reading this.
Z- Ziplock bags! hahaha, just kidding. This one's for my Zipsis.
And I didn't even consult a dictionary. The last letter - the hardest to fill in? Was "N." Huh. Go figure. For an English major even!
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