Monday, June 20, 2011

The Alphabet of Love

It's been far too long since I've blogged. So I'll start back simply with the alphabet game.

Things That Make Me Happy... Alphabet Style
(...and by stream of consciousness even)

A- Albecore Tuna: it's dolphin safe!
B- Bacon. Duh.
C- Chelsey Lately nightly recordings. She totally makes me laugh at 5am when I get up.
D- Dancing on bars. Not quite Coyote Ugly style, but better: the way the girls and I did in college.
E- Eggs. Every which way but poached. Yes, even raw in a beer. Or pickled in a UWSP bar.
F- Fat Fridays! The day you can eat anything (even deep fried Kool-Aid) without guilt.
G- Ghosts. Love me my ghost tours. Someday I hope to actually see one, gaddammit!
H- Harley, the woman. Though the bike ain't bad either.
I- Ice cream. Chocolate. Of course.
J- Jammie pants. The first thing I put on after a long day at work.
K- "Killer Queen" by Queen. You give me a quarter at the bar, this is comin' on the Jukebox.
L- Lorita Zorrita Hammen. It's a blessing to find my sorority sisters; an honor to love my natural one.
M- Momma. No one else in the world like her.
N- Novels. There is nothing better than being smack in the middle of one.
O- Oy! (could this be anything else?)
P- Poking. Not on Facebook, but the ability to poke at someone to bring down walls.
Q- Quincy, M.E. Yup, random I know. But I remember watching it with my Dad.
R- Road trips with friends
S- Sisters. Natural. Sorority. Ones you're blessed with beyond belief (yes, that's you, Hilary.)
T- Tampa, Florida. Because I have never met someone from there who is not amazing.
U- U.S.A. Not a day goes by that I don't realize how blessed I am to live here.
V- Vagina! Crude? Perhaps. But I so love being a woman.
W- Whiskeybelles: 4 of the most talented women I've ever met (yes, there are 4 now).
X- "xoxo" - because it means something when you actually type it.
Y- You. Because you're reading this.
Z- Ziplock bags! hahaha, just kidding. This one's for my Zipsis.

And I didn't even consult a dictionary. The last letter - the hardest to fill in? Was "N." Huh. Go figure. For an English major even!

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