It boggles my mind sometimes to realize that I have a group of friends who have been in my life for so long and still make me laugh as hard as I did tonight, already counting the days until we can all meet up again.
Born out of an internet Listserv of two decades ago (yeah, today's youngins would have no clue what that is) and at at time where we could say "we met on the internet" and got clueless looks as opposed to scornful or freaked-out ones, the chances of this not only happening but lasting this long is really nothing short of glee-worthy. And not that silly show. Sheesh! Who on earth would bond over a *TV show*, anyway?
I just got back from an evening with these folks. It was great that Aron had a birthday (er...13 days ago) that gave us an excuse to gather.
Some thoughts from the evening, before I forget them:
1) As I parked, I Foursquare-checked in (um, do you know me?) and to no surprise saw Phil was already there. The shock was that Jacki WAS too! Ohmygosh. Now, that would never have happened fifteen years ago. ;-)
2) Even Anne made it on time - with 3 minutes to spare! Holy cow! Do I not know these people anymore?!
3) One of the best lines of the evening came as we were discussing movies. Someone dissed on "Gladiator" and the response was: "hey, I liked Gladiator! (pause) But, then, I like movies about gladiators." Laughter ensued. I'll let you guess who that came from. [Hint: wasn't one of the girls.]
4) There were some tender moments, remembering and talking about lost friends. We're nearly 20 years older than when we first met, but we're still far too young to have to be discussing lost friends our age. Jacki raised her glass and sweet toasts to those on our minds.
5) Keylime pie was claimed for Stacy, for Spain, for France (that fork quickly fell over; go figure) and then got in our bellies. See photo above. France is obvious. :)
6) I'm apparently vertically challenged. Aron's the oldest of all of us. Viggle is going to be Jacki's and Phil's newest obsession (you're welcome) and the quest to find the first weeping angel is on.
7) BBC really needs to have us for their marketing team. Seriously, wouldn't Oods make a perfect string of Christmas lights?
8) Scott is by far one of the most clever, funniest men I have ever met. No wonder he and Jax have just celebrated their 15th Anniversary and still going strong. He makes me laugh like there's no tomorrow and we all know there is one. Well, at least until the end of the world comes in December, that is. What's wicked cool is he makes himself laugh too. I SO tried to capture him laughing uncontrollably tonight (it was something about a pie. And it's love for me. I think. Heh. I think I'm finally understanding it, actually).
9) And, no, Phil, I did not find a Democrat in the Kroger parking lot and turned him in. I know we Republicans can be brutal, but we haven't started roundin' up our opponents for exportation yet. (But thanks for the idea! I'll start talking to my people.)
10) One of the best things about the evening (well, for us; probably not them) was all the evil glares and glances, the "evil eye" half the group got when walking out the door. Yes, because we were loud (hey, it was already loud in there) and we laughed uncontrollably. Repeatedly. I guess in the future we *could* ask for a private room (or they'll just learn to put us in one), but my joy from this doesn't come from annoying others but realizing that, deep down? Their annoyance was probably rooted in a little envy. To look at a table of six very different, very unique individuals who were not drunk, not even really that obnoxious, and think: wow. What an amazing group of friends that must be over there. I wish *I* had that.
Because it's what I'm thinking right now too. I wish everyone had what we had tonight.
The greatest thing for me tonight is that I had not one drop of liquor while with them and I still laughed so much my side kinda hurts right now. :) It's that "good hurt" - you know, the one your personal trainer will tell you you'll feel the next day and you pretty much just want to punch them in the face? Yeah, that. It was only as I was driving home did it occur to me to think they might have thought I had a DUI or something and that's why I wasn't drinking (gasp! Stacy not with a drink? OMG, things HAVE changed!). ;-) Haha. No. It's because I knew I didn't NEED it with these people, these amazing friends. And I AM often insecure enough that I DO need a glass of wine, a cocktail or two to loosen up. Not with these folks. I love that.
(Oh, and, shit, let's face it: I could NOT have been on my game with Mr. Scott up there in #8 if I had been. Too friggin' clever for his own good, that li'l shit is.)
The thing is: with this group, it doesn't seem to matter how long you've been apart or the ups and downs you've been through or anything else: it's always like Coming Home. And this was one homecoming I had truly been looking forward to and wanted to remember every moment of so I could write it now, here. The whole drive home, I had a grin on my face. And the little geek in me couldn't wait to get home, even if it meant having to leave them, just so I could post pictures and write about what a lovely, lovely evening I had. Because I never want to forget.
Thank you, my companions, my friends. I'm looking forward to many more of these in the future.
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