Saturday, August 3, 2013

The three songs that should be played at my funeral.

Lord willing, it won't happen anytime soon. But when it does (because there are only three certain things in life, right?), it will. And a friend challenged me a couple days ago to come up with three songs I could put to paper (or, er, what passes as "paper" in internet blogs these days) so the ones I left would know how to define me and what to play at my wake.

A bit ago (wow! two years ago even: just looked it up - did I really write that in 2011?! I thought I did it more recently than that!) I posted about songs that have certain memories for me.  Whether it was the one playing when I got my first real kiss, the one I heard repeatedly on my Confirmation retreat or for any other time. If you love music, there are certain songs that will always stick in your head because of who you were, where you were at the time, right?l

Yeah, this entry is not about that.

This one is entirely self-serving --but, as I said, a friend challenged me to find three songs that I would consider "my theme songs." Not because of memories or situations, but more about who I AM.

I don't find it morbid at all, by the way.  If you've ever lost a loved one -- a parent, a child, a sibling, a spouse -- it's not morbid. It's just reality. So my mom and I have even talked about what would happen if I got run over by  a bus tomorrow.  We live almost a thousand miles apart. She knows my life and family and friends are here even if at the same time my heart is up there with her.

[My answer: do whatever you want with my cold dead body, but with the life insurance I have, pay my bills, buy yourself some cute new shoes and then throw a big party for my friends. Kegs and kegs of beer. Oh, and boxes of wine of course!]

So if people are having some drinks (in red solo cups, of course) and just celebrating my life?  Where I'm hopefully looking down on them (or haunting them -- you know who you are!) these are the three songs I'd ask y'all to play.

Billy Joel's "She's Always a Woman"
[note: he's also from my Mom's hometown area too!]

She Daisy's "I Will"

And good ol' Blue Eyes: 

If you are reading this and I DO get run over by a bus tomorrow? Please let my mama know. She doesn't have internet access to read this afterall. ;-) 

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